Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ryan “anything for laughs” Stiles

I love Ryan Stiles and I'm not afraid to say so.

Remember when I warned you that I was likely to deviate from the norm during the NaNo challenge and post a link to my favorite video of all time?

By the way I'm holding up JUST FINE as long as you pay no attention to the fact that I woke to find myself making notes with jam on the wall in my dining room at 4:00am this morning while mumbling about aliens…..

But that's not what this post is about. It's about things that make me laugh.

There are a lot of things that make me laugh. But for the most part there aren't a lot of things on the internet that make me laugh more than once.

But what I want to share with you is something that makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it.

It's this video of a skit from Whose Line is it Anyway featuring one of the funniest things that I've ever seen Ryan Stiles do. All of these guys …..well except for Drew Carey…..[I know that's mean and catty please just deal with it and move on]……. are so incredibly talented and they're all great together but Ryan really shines in this particular skit.

Anytime I'm feeling blue I watch this clip and it cheers me no end. [no end=infinity]

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Here's the VIDEO.


Kris said...

Oh, that was classic! Thanks so much for sharing!

Kind of makes me feel like a wimp for just giving birth to a bunch of 8 lb babies...

Anonymous said...

estrella05azul said...
That was great, glad you shared cause I wouldn't have found it otherwise!

Karen from Mentor said...

I love that clip Estrella. It kills me every time.

Karen from Mentor said...

Kris I don't think "wimp" and "a bunch of 8# babies" should be in the same

It's amazing how good an impression of a new born foal Ryan actually does. I've seen lots of foals born and he did a bang up job of improvising it.

judy said...

That is hilarious! Have to go find Chad and watch it again!

Karen from Mentor said...

I'm glad you liked it Judy, hope Chad did too.

Rougeneck said...

I used to watch that show ALL THE TIME. Forgot how frogfestily funny it is. That clip in particular is GENIUS. Thanks for making me grin. Ok - I laughed my sparkles off.

Karen from Mentor said...

You're very welcome darlin.
Try some elmer's for reattaching the sparkles...
