Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The evil plan…….

I figured it out. YouTube is an evil plan by the alien overlords to capture Humanity's collective memories into one easy to access location.

I twigged to this idea this morning. I sent a friend a typo suggestion using the phrase: Let me buy you an "A", which made me remember that Sesame Street bit where a guy was trying to sell Ernie an "O", so I promptly hopped on to YouTube and yup, sure enough, the video of the song was archived and I was able to send a link to it with my email.

Convenient right?

Much better than years ago, when to get across a point you had to describe what you were thinking about and wave your hands about, maybe hopping on one foot if you get REALLY excited about stuff when you talk, and actually engage your mind and the mind of the other human you were trying to explain the memory to, possibly even giving it a historical framework like when you experienced the memory, where you were at the time, stuff like that.

Now? For just about anything that delights/dismays us we can provide a link. Because it has also delighted/dismayed someone else on planet Earth and THEY had time to put it on YouTube even if WE only stored the original info in our brain. Television shows, stand up comedy, movie snippets, songs, great moments in history, all are being added to YouTube by someone somewhere every second of every day. The shared information can then be accessed in its entirety by any human with an internet connection and then uploaded directly into their brain.

Doesn't that seem like some of the science fiction stories of the fifties?

And the weird thing is we do it for real life stuff too. We put our baby's first steps on YouTube. Wedding receptions, photo montages of people who've passed on, vacation videos, marriage proposals, our cat doing weird stuff. Anything and everything that is significant to living a life that's human.

What if the aliens find a way to put one giant subliminal message into all the stored YouTube information?

I'm playing around with an idea of what the message would be because I think this would be a great screenplay idea.

Overtaking a planet without bloodshed, just moving the inhabitants from one state of being to another through the use of existing technology, without them even being aware, let alone alarmed, that it's happening, oh wait. Didn't something like that happen in The Ring? Or one of the Halloween movies? Or that bizarre indie movie that the guy in the grocery store was telling me about when he showed me that snippet on his iPhone?

What was that movie called anyway…..darn..…I just can't pull it up in my head at the moment; it's RIGHT on the tip of my tongue. Hang on, I'll go plug it into Google, I'm sure I can find it again. It's got to be online somewhere. I'll get back to you.


Laura Eno said...

Did you look out your window this morning? That was Mt Everest...

Anonymous said...

This actually is a scary thought. Thank you, Karen, you've just increased my paranoia.

Karen from Mentor said...

Got to keep humanity on its toes Linda. If we don't speak up "they'll" just hush it up.

I'm counting on you to spread the word if I get abducted.

Make sure you wear your tinfoil hat so they won't hear you.

Karen from Mentor said...

Laura,I think your comment was a test. You know that I have a weird connect the dots memory....but hmmmmm.....Mt. Everest? Nope. nothing, nada.

We may add "inscrutable" to your business card.

Or are you still trying to hypnotize me? Won't work here missy, that just works on twitter when you have vader to back you up. I am the master of my own domain after *cluck, cluck cluck* all, you couldn't get me to *ruff, squeak, growl* do things here that I wouldn't want to do..

Alan W. Davidson said...

Hmm...yeah, I remember that movie as well. Darn aliens using evil Hollywood technolgy to overtake our planet. We'll all be measured up for tentacles before the year's out!

Karen from Mentor said...

Oh dear, I thought you had just happened to post photos of yourself that didn't show your tentacles.

I didn't know that you hadn't acquired your tentacles yet.

*feels sorry for Alan*

Don't worry, I'm sure they'll get to you soon enough.

I could insert a Bwahahahahaha here, but that would just be overkill.

Laura Eno said...

The new view outside your window is where we...I mean, they have moved you to...sort of a holding pen while the conversion is completed. Can't have you running around free while you're still adapting to your tentacles.

Karen from Mentor said...

But Laura, I HAVE adapted to my tentacles. I can use chopsticks with them and everything.

And hey, what do you mean, running around free? *goes to look outside* ....jeez the door must be stuck or something from the humidity...

[holds tightly to her towel and doesn't panic]

Cat Russell said...


Anonymous said...

Remember that Twilight Zone episode, "To Serve Man"? (my favorite) Alien research has discovered that human memories and emotions are just as palatable and nutritious as actually consuming human flesh. Extricating these materials does have a side effect for the cattle-- er, humans: they become zombies after extraction. But that's an acceptable loss.

Ms. Schindler, you are a threat to national and intergalactic security because you blew the whistle on the new farming methods. This is why Ms. Eno has placed you in the holding cell...

Just kidding. I seem to be functioning without my braaaiiinnnsss today...


Karen from Mentor said...

Well Gracie, don't be surprised if your braaaiiinnnsss are gone because Laura had someone suck them out...

To Serve Man was one of my all time favorite episodes.
hmmmm, I wonder if it's on YouTube?

[loved your theory. Thanks for playing our game...Johnny tell her what she wins]

Karen from Mentor said...

@ Cathy, I'll take your heeheehee and up you a HaHaHAAAAABwahahahahaha

[thanks, I needed that]

Laura Eno said...

Have you gotten outside yet?

*looks at her fingernails to see if all 12 are still polished*

Rachel S said...

Hey, Hulu even advertises as an alien plan to dissolve human brains so they can eat them!

Anonymous said...

You've just reminded me of the Plants and Zombies game I used to play... might have to dig it up again :P

But this is pretty scary stuff, did it come to you in a dream? Or in a YouTube video?
Cause if so... you might wanna check where those new lavender tentacles came from :P

judy said...

I haven't used youtube nearly enough for that (makes note to start) but I am amazed at how vague I can be on Google and still find what I'm looking for... "flying bald amazon graffiti," for example. Ah, yes. There it is. ;-)

Karen from Mentor said...

...laughing...nice one Judy...."The Book of Dave" is what you get from that search phrase.

I've been amazed at the variety of emails I've received from this post. From horrified realization that this may be an ACTUAL evil plan, to [this morning] "you're talking about tentacles an awful lot"..... [more laughing]

Karen from Mentor said...

Saying "might have to dig it up again" -- right after using the word zombie made me grin Estrella. Tell me that was intentional. Or if it wasn't, we'll pretend it was.

It actually came to me while I was just fooling around. One idea simply led to the other. Like all great linear ideas through the ages.

Silly string, string cheese, string theory.

Karen from Mentor said...

Rachel said:
Hey, Hulu even advertises as an alien plan to dissolve human brains so they can eat them!

They do? Well that's just wrong.
I think a dissolved human brain is SUCH a waste Rachel.

You lose all the texture that way.

Scrambling is much, much better. Or, since it's summer, there's nothing like brains on a stick over a nice open campfire. I don't know what it is, but everything just seems to taste better out of doors.

Karen from Mentor said...

I did get out Laura, and I've been running amok AND with scissors.

Speaking of scissors....I'm sorry to hear of your accident. I'm sure they'll grow back.

*feels sad that Laura only has 12 fingers at the moment*

Anonymous said...

I know how that sounded like, I was thinking of this particular zombie which digs his way through the ground and starts eating the plants backwards... but anyway... :P

PS: Love how your mind works, honey!