I'm a bit disoriented today folks because I'm hanging out at the bottom of the world in New Zealand, being interviewed by my friend, Crime Thriller Author-- [yes, it says that on her business card]-- Cat Connor.
Cat gets me to talk with her about a myriad of things, and believe it or not, some of the interview questions are even about writing. But after she asked me about my underwear we kinda drifted off the subject of writing.
And since the question about underwear directly related to my Halloween costume, it prompted me to provide her with a photo of me wearing my Halloween costume. It's so much fun when things work out like that.
So, if you'd like to see an entertaining Q&A …. and a photo of me in fishnet stockings : GO HERE
I can't wait til Cat comes to the states next spring. Boy will there be some dancing on tables. I plan to sleep for a week ahead of time so I can keep up.
*looks gleeful*

Photo copyright Karen Schindler
That interview was everything I expected it would be ... but mostly hilarious.
Yes, you veered off somewhere south of the promised land...
Loved the interview! I hope New Zealand didn't stamp your passport with a big red circle and line through it!
Wait... is the big red circle a bad thing Laura? The guy at the customs table said that it would get me free cookies ....
Thanks for going over Linda. Cat's so much fun to play with. I just told people in the comment thread to click on the photo of me in my Halloween costume so they can see it actual size. That way I don't look like I have stick legs....laughing...
Yes, I'm tall and thin...but I'm not twiggy.
Glad you got a laugh out of our antics.
*hands you a cookie*
That sounds like so much fun. I wanna go...
NZ is beautiful John, and if you're ok with becoming a drug mule the flights are free.
Of course the discomfort of lugging seventy pounds of monkey tranquilizers all the way across the world just so Cat can add them to her stockpile in the secret underground compound can get kinda gruelling.
But she does validate parking.
Hilarious stuff, Karen. I hope the monkey doo-doo washes off easily. Nice dress, BTW.
As I've said already, great interview my dear!
Watch out with all the cookies... :)
Great interview on the other side! Love the dress! Oh, and by the way, love the dress! :)
Gonna link over.
I love her hair. When I cut mine off, I'm going to see if it'll do that.
The secret is anti gravitational hair gel. I special order it from NASA.
So, Claude...did you like the dress?
[you're so cute]
Monkey doo only happens at Cat's house. At my house the flying monkeys only toss cookies around. And that's only if they've spent too long practicing synchronized unicycle twirling.
[I have a big living room]
Thanks for going over to check out my halloween costume Alan.
You're a pal.
*hugs Alan*
it's ok Estrella...I think Cat was just joking about putting tranquilizers in the cookiZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Cool interview.And I would get rid of the flying monkeys if I were you. They bite. :D
*hands Cathy some bactine*
Sorry about that. It's cuz you smell like cookies. They just can't help themselves when they're under the influence of cookies.
Thanks for popping over to Cat's place to see the Q&A.
*BIG smile*
I left a comment after your interview, but got lost getting back here to tell you how much I enjoyed it. The lightning sands got me.
Ah the lightning sand pits..I know them well. That's why I always carry a bit of string and some cheese. That way I can lasso a Rodent of Unusual Size and after it drags me free, I can throw down the cheese and run away.
[With my hands in the air. Screaming like a girl.]
Thanks to Laurita and everyone else who commented both places. That was beyond sweet of you.
You guys rock.
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